Monarch Project

In August 2023, before the school year started for students, planning began for the Meadows' Monarch Project. In September, in conjunction with Kansas University's Monarch Watch, Midtown Community Service Board members, Grace Episcopal Church, educated Meadows Elementary staff and students to raise, tag, and release over 800 monarch butterflies! Grant funding was offered for projects that increased the creation care in the community. Grace Episcopal, the Louis C. McConaughy Fund of Trinity Episcopal Church in Atchison, and private donors provided funding for the tiny caterpillars, classroom kits, and milkweed for the Monarch Project including transportation for all students and staff to travel to Bethany Gardens to tag and release the set of emerged butterflies on September 13, 2024. This has been an incredible learning experience for Meadows Elementary! If you spot one of the monarchs we tagged, share it on social media! #meadowsmonarchproject

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